15 Things Only Preschool Teachers Would Understand
Every profession lends itself to industry-specific experiences such as related jargon and even inside jokes. Nurses, contractors, accountants — they each have a unique set of experiences because of the field in which they work.

A profession working with young children most certainly yields its own set of hilarious and heartwarming circumstances, such as these 15 things only preschool teachers will truly appreciate.
- The shared joy when a child has an “aha!” moment in the classroom. Be it academic or a life lesson, evidence of learning is always worth celebrating.
- When a teacher instinctively requests another adult use their inside voice. Ooops! So much of early childhood education is about establishing routines and good habits; sometimes teachers find it difficult to “turn off” after work!
- Being remembered and thanked by a former student. Bonus points if the student was a particularly challenging one. Extra bonus points if that formerly challenging student is now a thriving, successful adult.
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- Overhearing a student repeat the teacher’s exact phrasing. “We can do hard things.” “Safe hands, please.” They really are listening!
- Watching a child master pumping their legs on the swing set. Caregivers everywhere experience these kinds of physical milestones with a duality of grief and celebration because children are one step closer to independence, which is a step away from their caregivers.
- When a child calls a teacher mom or dad…again! Icing on the cake if this slip of tongue is accompanied with a shirt tug.
- Cornering the market on antacids, early childhood educators are adept at finishing an entire meal in under 5 minutes.
- Those priceless handmade gifts. Preschool teachers may need to build a new wing on their house to display all the heartfelt gifts they receive from students, but they don’t mind.
- When little ones finally get the hang of those scissors!
- Experiencing a child’s “first.” Their first successful coat flip. The first time they remember all the words to a nursery rhyme. The first time they print their name correctly. What a privilege to be part of all those special milestones.
- Witnessing a student show kindness and compassion to another. The way children innately understand the emotions of their peers is a beautiful thing. And then…
- …when they use their emotional understanding to stick up for a classmate. That is empathy in the making right there, and preschool teachers have a front row seat to watch their students develop this important life skill.
- All the stories from home that probably should’ve stayed at home! Kids really do say the darndest things, and teachers have learned to receive them with a poker face that would make a Las Vegas card shark proud.
- An unprovoked hug or thank you. Young children are spontaneous with their affection. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and with unbridled enthusiasm. To be on the receiving end of their big love is… *chef’s kiss* perfection.
- The way every adult’s heart grows two sizes at preschool graduation. There is just something about those tiny mortarboards and rolled up paper diplomas!
Preschool teachers are fortunate to experience so many special moments courtesy of their students, moments other professionals likely would not appreciate. Afterall, what other career celebrates the joy that is successfully cutting out a square or coloring inside the lines?
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About the Author:
Stephanie Jankowski is an educator and author who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When she's not teaching or writing, she's spending time with her children, Brady, Ella, and Lyla, and marveling at just how short the years really are.