Kindness Connections free sample banner Kindness Connections free sample banner

Try Kindness Connections for FREE! 

Receive a free sample of our NEW preschool enrichment kit 

What you’ll receive

Instant downloadable access to a selection from the kit, including:

- Teacher’s Guide: A selection from the Responsibility and Accountability Teacher’s Guide 

- Personal responsibility lesson, including ideas to: 

  • Connect the lesson to Circle Time 
  • Connect the lesson to Learning Lab centers/stations 
  • Share with families to reinforce learning at home 

- Personal responsibility activity, including: 

  • Instructions for teachers to use as-is, layer with their ideas, and/or adapt to their students’ needs and creativity 
  • Activity ideas that expand upon the topic 
  • A suggestion for teachers to go deeper with learning 
  • Kindness Connections teacher guide for theme 9
  • Lesson 1 guide for Kindness Connections
  • Activity template for the Kindness Connections activity
  • Activity instructions
  • Kindness Connections teacher guide for theme 9
  • Lesson 1 guide for Kindness Connections
  • Activity template for the Kindness Connections activity
  • Activity instructions
Purple circle with colored building block icons in the center

Simple and flexible to use

Teachers can use Kindness Connections in the sequence suggested or can adapt it to their calendars and the needs and interests of their students.

Orange circle with a ladder icon in the center

Supportive of foundational learning 

This straightforward curricular enhancement provides all that educators need to teach essential interpersonal and emotional skills. Research shows these skills prepare preschoolers for success in school and beyond.

Green circle with light bulb icon in the center

Helpful tips support teachers and deeper learning 

Simple suggestions for effective instruction and ideas to go deeper into a topic are embedded throughout.

Blue circle with 10/30 in the center

30 play-based lessons children enjoy 

Kindness Connections brings 10 key themes to life in 30 thematic lesson concepts children understand, connect with, care about, and—importantly—can have fun and be creative with!

Light blue icon with a dark blue house icon in the center

Learning reinforcement at home made easy and fun 

A Family Newsletter for every theme and Home Connections ideas for every lesson give families conversation topics and simple activities to achieve vital learning reinforcement at home.